Call for Chapters
Popular Music and Politics in the UK
Ian Peddie (editor)
Popular Music and Politics in the UK will be a comprehensive interdisciplinary volume addressing all aspects of popular music and politics in relation to the United Kingdom. The volume will examine the complexities and challenges central to questions of how politics and music have interacted, against, upon and with one another, how music and politics have functioned and evolved over time, and what this might tell us about each medium and about the societies from which such music has emerged. All approaches that attend the admittedly broad concept of music and politics are encouraged. Some possible directions might include genre studies, historical approaches, regional studies, protest music, identity politics, as well as discussions that consider the importance of gender, race, and class and various political positions and dispositions. Potential contributors should also feel free to suggest topic/approaches/themes for chapters. Completed chapters will be c. 6, 000 – 8, 000 words in length.
Proposals of 300 words should include:
- · Chapter title
- · Proposal
- · Your full name, current affiliation
- Please also include a brief 200-word biography
Deadline for submission of abstracts/proposals: May 31 2024
Send your proposal to: ian.peddie@sulross.edu